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Roadrunner Community

Next Listening Sessions to have separate gatherings for students, employees

The groups offer an opportunity to meaningfully discuss local, national and global events.

The demonstrations that occurred on the Auraria Campus this spring spurred important conversations and highlighted the ongoing need for Roadrunners to engage in thoughtful, meaningful exchange on complicated topics. Building on the success of the first round of Listening Sessions that were offered to process the demonstrations and their surrounding context, organizers have developed additional sessions to better understand the needs of students, faculty members and staff members to intentionally implement programming that supports generative conflict resolution and community connections across differences.  

Headshot of Elise Krumholz

“The first round of Listening Sessions allowed facilitators to capture high-level themes, ideas, concerns and questions, which were then used to plan next steps,” said Elise Krumholz, assistant director of Restorative Justice and Student Conflict Resolution. “These additional sessions are intended to foster shared understanding and to create a brave and supported space for Roadrunners to share feelings and perspectives on local responses to world events.” 

Employees or students who wish to participate should first complete this form. RSVP links will be sent via email to those who complete the form.


  • Thursday, 12:30-2 p.m., in person (location information provided in RSVP link) 
  • June 12, 3-4:30 p.m., in person  
  • June 18, 12:30-2 p.m., in person 
  • June 26, 10-11:30 a.m., virtual 


  • Today, 3:30-5 p.m., virtual 
  • Monday, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., in person 
  • June 20, 9:30-11 a.m., in person 
  • June 25, 2-3:30 p.m., in person 

Sessions will remain small to ensure that each participant has an opportunity to speak and be heard. Each gathering will begin with introductions, after which facilitators will ground the group in the session’s purpose and help members establish group norms. Sessions will also include discussions on campus happenings, national and global events and the needs of the Metropolitan State University of Denver community. 

The series will again be facilitated by Student Affairs and Academic Affairs leaders as well as organizers of the Dialogues Program, which brings people together to deeply engage in listening and share experiences and to remain open to perspectives other than their own.